Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Namesake (2006)

"The Namesake" has a deep, alluvial poetry to it, like a mighty river reaching the sea. It's mysterious and ordinary, insightful and banal, rambling and precise, and it is altogether unexpected. First novels generally don't make movies this fine, especially first novels that wander quietly through four decades of average people's lives. 

While traveling by train to visit his grandfather in Jamshedpur, Calcutta born, Bengali-speaking Ashoke Ganguli meets with fellow-traveler, Ghosh, who impresses upon him to travel, while Ashoke is deep into a book authored by Nicholai Gogol. The train meets with an accident, and after recuperating, Ashoke re-locates to America, settles down, returns home in 1977 to get married to aspiring singer, Ashima, and returns home to New York. Shortly thereafter they become parents of a boy, who they initially name Gogol, and a few years later Ganguli family will be destined to travel to India again soon - this time under very different circumstances - and after all have endured life-changing events.

M & M_Club Rating: 5/5

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